Tip 7 of 10: Relax! And Avoid Stress

The 9 most FAQ about Parkinson’s & stress 1 WHAT IS TENSION? Tension is the feeling of excitement you get with anything scary, risky, new or important. And you can’t do without it: life would be very boring. Everyone needs variety, surprises and challenges. You can’t avoid tension and you wouldn’t want to. 2 HOW […]

Tip 6 of 10: Keep Up With Developments (and don’t become a ‘professional patient’)

WHAT IS A ‘PROFESSIONAL PATIENT’? (and is it good or bad?) The professional patient doesn’t really exist. It’s just a name Kees came up with for people who are constantly focused on their disease, as if it is the most important thing in their life. They’re on top of all the latest developments, are (extremely) […]

Tip 5 of 10: Ask The Right Questions (To Your Doctor Too!)

I DIDN’T, AGAIN! Do you recognize this? You visited your doctor and when you walk towards the exit, you realize: “I didn’t ask everything I wanted to know, again!”. How is it that some people ask everything that pops into their mind, without any hesitation, while others find it difficult to even think of the […]

Tip 4 of 10: Think Constructively (And Accept Negative Thoughts Too)

NEGATIVE THOUGHTS : NOT GOOD (OR ARE THEY?) In earlier blog articles a good deal has been said about negative thinking. And about the importance of constructive (or if you must: ‘positive’ thinking. I’ve even described how to handle negative thoughts: catch yourself doing it and change the wording. But even people who (by relentless […]

Tip 3 of 10: Get That People Don’t Get Parkinson’s (And Explain!)

Someone without a chronic, progressive disease doesn’t understand what that’s like. And most people won’t recognize specific PD symptoms. A peculiar gait and impaired movements are not understood, much less a tremor or blank facial expression and the mental processes behind those. So many people don’t understand and tend to react with irritation and judgment. […]

The 10 Best Tips For Coping With Parkinson’s

In this article we summarize what we think are the most important tips to make coping with Parkinson’s Disease easier. And it is not just about ‘thinking positively’ (because that doesn’t work for most people), but about coping with symptoms, positive and negative feelings, helpful and unhelpful people around you, communication with yourself and a […]