Parkinson Amplifiers?

This text was intended to go about stress until someone mentioned something on a meeting at the Dutch Parkinson Association. What triggered me was a broken finger of somebody and the amplifying effect of it on his Parkinson symptoms. He asked us who had experienced the same. Now I am just recovering from neuralgic amyotrophy […]

Tip 6 of 10: Keep Up With Developments (and don’t become a ‘professional patient’)

WHAT IS A ‘PROFESSIONAL PATIENT’? (and is it good or bad?) The professional patient doesn’t really exist. It’s just a name Kees came up with for people who are constantly focused on their disease, as if it is the most important thing in their life. They’re on top of all the latest developments, are (extremely) […]

Body and mind separated?

Last week I listened to an interview with Bas Bloem, a neurologist, on the Dutch radio about the development of health care. The main topic was active participation of patients in this process. The discussion was about care innovation. The focus is being put on the patient and the people surrounding hem/her more and more. […]