Body and mind separated?

pillendoosLast week I listened to an interview with Bas Bloem, a neurologist, on the Dutch radio about the development of health care. The main topic was active participation of patients in this process. The discussion was about care innovation. The focus is being put on the patient and the people surrounding hem/her more and more.

The subject of Parkinson’s research or treatment is not only the body of the patient, but also his beliefs (mind) are taken into account. It is also my belief that this kind of empowerment of the patient can contribute greatly to quality of life.
After all, only if you decide yourself, you will accept or bear the consequences of a choice rather easily. You truely have made the transformation from being a patient (body) into a complete human being (body and mind) .

Another choice we all have to make is whether to take medication or not.
And if so, which kind and what number of pills to take. What am I comfortable with? Lately it strikes me that there is a vivid discussion between people that take medication and those who choose not to. It seems hard to accept that what is suitable for one can be completely out of the question for another. Parkinson’s manifests itself differently for everyone, and also the effect of treatment is different for everyone. Besides this what we validiate most in our lives variates per person. Therefore each one of us chooses his or her own path.

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