The placebo-effect or the power of language

Almost everyone has heard of the placebo effect. Up to 40 % of the impact of medication is based on this, only strangely enough this effect is hardly taken into account/ hardly used. Purely be installing expectations the effect of medication can be influenced. Both positively (placebo) and negatively (nocebo)speaking. Expectations thus influence largely the […]

Tip 6 of 10: Keep Up With Developments (and don’t become a ‘professional patient’)

WHAT IS A ‘PROFESSIONAL PATIENT’? (and is it good or bad?) The professional patient doesn’t really exist. It’s just a name Kees came up with for people who are constantly focused on their disease, as if it is the most important thing in their life. They’re on top of all the latest developments, are (extremely) […]

Body and mind separated?

Last week I listened to an interview with Bas Bloem, a neurologist, on the Dutch radio about the development of health care. The main topic was active participation of patients in this process. The discussion was about care innovation. The focus is being put on the patient and the people surrounding hem/her more and more. […]

Reinventing my goal in life

In 1989 I started to work as consultant. Being educated as a chemist I started with advising on chemical waste, waste in general and waste prevention. Gradually I focussed more and more on laws and regulations about this topic and started managing other people busy with observing the compliance of the waste regulations. And together […]

The 10 Best Tips For Coping With Parkinson’s

In this article we summarize what we think are the most important tips to make coping with Parkinson’s Disease easier. And it is not just about ‘thinking positively’ (because that doesn’t work for most people), but about coping with symptoms, positive and negative feelings, helpful and unhelpful people around you, communication with yourself and a […]