The placebo-effect or the power of language

Kees2Almost everyone has heard of the placebo effect. Up to 40 % of the impact of medication is based on this, only strangely enough this effect is hardly taken into account/ hardly used. Purely be installing expectations the effect of medication can be influenced. Both positively (placebo) and negatively (nocebo)speaking. Expectations thus influence largely the way you feel.

You experience the world by means of your senses ( seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, tasting). If someone describes something, you automatically create pictures ( or a kind of movie), sounds and feelings, so you can sympathy with what your partner is talking about. Also if you talk about one of your own experiences, you will give information about how it looks like, what you can hear and what you can feel. What you can feel, you say? Yes, sure!. Just think back how angry, sad, happy you can feel if someone tells you a story or if you share something with a friend.

The vocal expression is in this way very important in everyone’s experience. Automatically you will respond to the language used by others and, perhaps even more important is how you response to your inner dialogue. Definitely there is one person who hears and values everything you say. … Be kind to him/her! Avoid repellent language: the nocebo-effect( “it makes me want to throw up, it makes me ill. It makes me nervous or It gives me a stomach ache. …. Etc). Please use positive language (placebo): I want to reach….., I plan to tackle it this way!

Please note what and how you say something, and correct it if you discover it is negative language.

Have a nice day.


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