Tip 5 of 10: Ask The Right Questions (To Your Doctor Too!)

I DIDN’T, AGAIN! Do you recognize this? You visited your doctor and when you walk towards the exit, you realize: “I didn’t ask everything I wanted to know, again!”. How is it that some people ask everything that pops into their mind, without any hesitation, while others find it difficult to even think of the […]

Coping with Parkinson’s? Or Living With parkinson’s?

“What you give attention grows” a statement used by many coaches. And most parents know this too. If a child falls and you focus all attention on the pain, a child will be sadder than in the situation that, after the initial shock, you shift the attention to something else (something nice). In my experience […]

Tip 4 of 10: Think Constructively (And Accept Negative Thoughts Too)

NEGATIVE THOUGHTS : NOT GOOD (OR ARE THEY?) In earlier blog articles a good deal has been said about negative thinking. And about the importance of constructive (or if you must: ‘positive’ thinking. I’ve even described how to handle negative thoughts: catch yourself doing it and change the wording. But even people who (by relentless […]

Reinventing my goal in life

In 1989 I started to work as consultant. Being educated as a chemist I started with advising on chemical waste, waste in general and waste prevention. Gradually I focussed more and more on laws and regulations about this topic and started managing other people busy with observing the compliance of the waste regulations. And together […]

Tip 3 of 10: Get That People Don’t Get Parkinson’s (And Explain!)

Someone without a chronic, progressive disease doesn’t understand what that’s like. And most people won’t recognize specific PD symptoms. A peculiar gait and impaired movements are not understood, much less a tremor or blank facial expression and the mental processes behind those. So many people don’t understand and tend to react with irritation and judgment. […]