Parkinson Amplifiers?

parkinsonversterkerThis text was intended to go about stress until someone mentioned something on a meeting at the Dutch Parkinson Association. What triggered me was a broken finger of somebody and the amplifying effect of it on his Parkinson symptoms. He asked us who had experienced the same.

Now I am just recovering from neuralgic amyotrophy (NA), also known as the Parsonage Turner syndrome (a painful inflammation of a few nerves in my left arm) and I recognized his story immediately. In the first weeks I had NA – at the present I feel much better- it was sometimes very difficult to act. Both physically and mentally. Physical It manifested itself in difficult walking and clumsiness. Mentally I experienced a lack of concentrating. I could sit behind my desk for an hour and produced nothing. I did not notice this at hen time and now I feel better I do. Another thing I noticed is that I had much more trouble finding words for example in meetings.
Have you had similar experiences? And how did you deal with it.

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