About Koen and Kees

Kees-VermuntI’m Kees Vermunt, 53 years. I am the father of two children and married. I’m consultant, trainer and coach , and particularly interested in the way people communicate with others, especially with themselves. And since 2008, I am diagnosed parkinson’s.
Parkinson’s is a nasty disease and also progressive, with me as the most important aspect that people with Parkinson’s tend to become socially isolated. This through loss of initiative and the loss of the facial expression . I aims to help reduce this isolation. I do this by myself and others aware of the interaction between body and mind.

It is my belief that our body sends signals that are easily misinterpreted. Our tend more to look down, we ‘ll have more introverted and depressed . This as a direct result of our posture and not because how we feel as primary . It’s time to take back the control!


Koen-LucasI’m Koen Lucas, 52, married , two children . I am health coach and trainer and help Parkinson’s patients , their partners and other caregivers to constructively deal with the disease and the challenges that come with it . I believe people have tremendous qualities to enhance their quality of life despite chronic illness . They can make use of mental and physical capabilities that almost no one controlled. And there are often only simple instructions required.

The techniques to improve the quality of life are easy to learn and effective for everyone . With these techniques, I have overcome my own high blood pressure and I’m having barely affected by a lower back hernia.

And I have helped hundreds of people healthy to cope with their illnesses , in addition to the medical treatments she underwent .
Want to get the knowledge and experience I can of life ( already not chronically) ill improve substantially .

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