
logo_cvThis site contains practical information to help you to deal with Parkinson’s disease . The information is intended for patients and their partners.We are not doctors (and therefore do not treat patients), but offer you everything we know about the possibilities of improving the quality of your life , in addition to medications and treatments .

We focus primarily on mental processes. Although Parkinson’s (currently) is a incurable and progressive disease, there are many possibilities to improve their handling and to increase the quality of life .

2 thoughts on “Home

    • klucas

      mei 28, 2015 at 5:26pm

      Hi Eleni, Thank you for your curiosity!
      I’m still working on an opt-in option (so you can get a an email to alert you each time a new blog post is published).
      When it’s done, I’ll send you an email to invite you to subscribe.
      Best regards,

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